-Augustes, who's a common footsoldier (spear and shield...) on guard duty, sees the trolls and turns to run! He successfully evades a troll (Speed vs. Speed) and is just running out the back gate when...
-He turns around to fight the troll because a young woman happens to be attacked by said troll. He tries to drive off the Trolls (Spear vs. Speed), but fails: the troll bites her head off. Augustes flees the doomed fort.
-At this point I asked Mitch to make an Orienteering check so he didn't get lost in the woods that surround Lake Vita. Unfamiliar territory at night and Augustes being untrained means that Augustes accidentally runs into the last person he expected to see: his brother Austin! Austin has clearly seen better days. He's dressed in rags, has chains around his ankles, and holds a rusty old sword.
-Augustes steps forward to attack Austin, but Austin falls down, begging for mercy. After Augustes escaped Austin was forced into the newly occupied slave position in punishment for losing Augustes. He begs for mercy over and over as Augustes steps forward with his spear, intent on killing the man who had so badly scarred him. At this point I asked Mitch to make a Perception test, which he horrifically failed (Ob vs. Stealth G
- Augustes wakes up in a dirty room with his brother tied and gagged to a bed. An elf approaches Augustes and offers him a cruel torture knife. The elf explains that he was happening through the forest when he spied the two brothers. He decided that Augustes was right and wished to make it easier to torture Austin. The elf steps outside, telling Augustes he'll be waiting.
- After ten MINUTES of mostly-silent out-of-game thinking (stopping only to tell me that I was being a jerk
-The elf comes back in and asks for his knife back, which after a short few minutes of banter Augustes does so. The Elf tells Augustes that he's free to go, but Austin isn't. Augustes is show out with his equipment, into the forest. The door slams shut and Augustes finds that he was never in a house at all, but a giant tree! That's when the screaming starts.
-After listening and pondering for another five minutes out-of-game Augustes does the only thing he knows how to do: build a gigantic bonfire. I laughed at Mitch when he took Firebuilding as a skill, and man did that get turned back on me! Augustes makes an enormous bonfire that sets the whole forest ablaze. The elf throws Austin sans-ear out of the tree and asks Augustes if this is really how he wants to play it. Augustes responds that he can't turn his back on a helpless being, even if that being is his asshole of a brother. Augustes picks up Austin and cauterizes his wound shut (failed Field Dressing). The elf bids him adieu and walks off into the burning forest as Augustes lugs his unconscious brother through the burning forest...
-Yes, Mitch got Right Skill Right Time. I've never seen Firebuilding be useful before, looks like he showed me!
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